Dental Insurance Plus, Senior Citizen Dental Insurance Plans for Florida
Question: I am 75 and living on a very fixed income my teeth are okay but I still need to see a dentist in which I have not been to one in a few years. Are there any low cost senior citizens dental insurance plans that I can get?  I been looking at a few plans with my daughter’s help but it seems I have to pay more and get less coverage’s for being a senior. Are the any plans that do not do this.
Answer: There are some dental plan that have high rates and lower benefits for seniors that is true. However we do provide many dental insurance and plan options that dose not have age effecting rate or coverage’s.
We do not have any “senior citizens” dental plans however we do provide quite a few lower cost dental insurance and plan options depending on the state you are in. To review all of our dental plan options just enter your zip in the quote box provided. If you have any questions about the available plans please call our customer service line at 310-534-3444 as they be happy to assist you with finding the right plan for your current dental needs.